All plugins tested with WP 6.6 and PHP 8.3!
Abs – Additional block styles
Abs extends the core blocks styles. I suspect it’s mostly CSS styling, making it pretty robust.
Let’s try a few.
Abs Demo – blocs with and without Abs styling
Gallery, with captions below.
Enhanced Media & Text
Some Dude’s got rasterized!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis ex vitae volutpat ornare. Sed imperdiet nisi elit, eget venenatis elit fermentum ac. Suspendisse.
To do (list with Abs)
- Try some ABS styles
- Check HTML validation
- Double check in Sarafi on a virtual machine as Apple no longer releases Safari for anything but their own hardware making devs either purchase expensive hardware just to check compatibility or use paid virtual machines for some half-assed compatibility tests, and yes, I’m a bit sour 🙄
Gallery, no abs :/
Enhanced Media & Text
Some Dude’s boring core styling
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis ex vitae volutpat ornare. Sed imperdiet nisi elit, eget venenatis elit fermentum ac. Suspendisse.
To do (plain core style)
- Try some ABS styles
- Check HTML validation
- Double check in Sarafi on a virtual machine as Apple no longer releases Safari for anything but their own hardware making devs either purchase expensive hardware just to check compatibility or use paid virtual machines for some half-assed compatibility tests, and yes, I’m a bit sour 🙄
Test on virtual iPad and with Abs disabled
Yes, yes, yes, it works on the browser for the privileged too, judging from this test on a virtual iPad model 8 and last year’s iOS 16. Not surprisingly, really, because the fancy styling provided by Abs, are just that, styles.
… meaning, you can actually disable the Abs plugin entirely, and your content will still render, just with normal core styles. You won’t even get the dreaded “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” like when you dare to add a perfectly valid lang attribute to a paragraph ☹
Let me repeat that
You can disable Abs and your content remains unchanged. It’s just core styled again.
Probably completely theme independent, but give it a try. You’ll find Abs on